My Story, His Glory

Renee Bennett is a author, bible teacher and intercessor. After having a life-altering encounter with her son and bouts of mental illness, God called her to ministry. An intercessor was born and Renee has been able to see the glory of God since these encounters. She has been compelled to use her speaking and teaching gifts to share the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ and because of the finished work of the cross, we are victorious!
She is the author of Destined but Didn't Know It. A memoir detailing the journey of a church girl, who became pregnant by 16, experimented with drugs and through it all, God still had a preordained destiny for her life.
Renee is the founder of the Choose Joy Women's Retreat where women gather for a weekend of restoration, refreshing and renewal. She also serves in her local church where she is a licensed minister.
At home she is the wife to John, mom to Antonio, LaDarius and Londyn and a proud G-Mama to her granddaughter.